Round Motor Mount w/ Disk Damper Center Shock Package (BLACK) - Kyosho Mini-Z MR03

Round Motor Mount w/ Disk Damper Center Shock Package (BLACK) - Kyosho Mini-Z MR03

$48.99 $69.99
Product ID: 06824
Product Code: NS-MR03-RMBK

Product Description

The Round Motor Mount w/ Disk Damper Center Shock Package is specifically designed with material strength and precise CNC tolerances, to optimize for stability, durability, response and overall performance of the Kyosho Mini-Z MR03.

Note: You SAVE MORE THAN 10% OFF ordering this package


1 x 98-102mm Round Motor Mount NS-MR03432RMM

1 x Multi Length Disk Damper set NS-MR03429

1 x Dual-Spring Precision Bearing Center Shock NS-MR03428


Use for Kyosho Mini-Z MR03

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